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So you’ve started (or have been thinking about starting) your vegetarian diet.



Your motivation is SUPER HIGH and by now you’ve created amazing Pinterest boards with veg recipes, learned all the tips about how to get protein, and scouted the veg-friendly restaurants in your area.

You’re totally prepared!

This is going to be a breeze!

Vegetarian pro in the house!




You’ve got a great foundation with the basics, but if you truly want to succeed at going (and staying) vegetarian, you need

These are the tidbits you won’t find in your internet searches - the insider information that will take your vegetarian journey from short-lived to life-long.

Get these insider secrets for FREE!

Once you know the secrets, you'll be ready to:

🥦 jump into your vegetarian diet with confidence,

🥦 form long-lasting habits that turn into a lifestyle,

🥦 and enjoy the journey of becoming a vegetarian!

Hi, I'm Bailee (AKA The Vegetarian Guide).

I’m a 14-year vegetarian and life coach!

When I first tried going vegetarian, I failed. I was motivated but didn’t have a plan, and I quickly realized how hard it is to make a lifestyle change without support.

Since then, I’ve built a vegetarian lifestyle I love but I’ve watched others struggle with the same challenges. I realized it doesn’t have to be so damn hard! With the right tools and insights, anyone can succeed!

That’s why I created Secrets to Vegetarian Success. It’s what I wish I’d had from the start, designed to help you overcome challenges, build habits, and enjoy the journey.

Are you ready to be a vegetarian success story?